
アジャンター第26窟涅槃像 Giant Reclining Buddha,Ajanta cave

  • 269

写真: アジャンター第26窟涅槃像 Giant Reclining Buddha,Ajanta cave

写真: アジャンター洞窟彫刻 Enriched with carvings,Ajanta 写真: アジャンター細密な浮彫 Fine relief on the column,Ajanta cave

アジャンター第26窟 インド最大の涅槃像。


Cave No.26(625A.D.). A Mahayana prayer hall (chaitya).
The highlight is a colossal reclining Buddha(Mahaparinirvana), representing his moment of death(preparing to enter Nirvana). Below him, his followers mourn his passing; above, celestial beings rejoice. The cave also contains a stupa with an image of the Buddha in a pavilion.

Caves of the second period are 1-8, 11, 14-29, some possibly extensions of earlier caves.
Caves 19, 26, and 29 are chaitya-grihas, the rest viharas.
The four completed chaitya halls are caves 9 and 10 from the early period, and caves 19 and
26 from the later period of construction. All follow the typical form found elsewhere, with high ceilings and a central "nave" leading to the stupa, which is near the back, but allows walking
behind it, as walking around stupas was a common element of Buddhist worship.

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